Winner of the Heart of Hawick Children's Book Award, 2017.

(Chosen by the children of Hawick's schools, which makes it - for me - even more of an honour. Because I was up against some stiff competition.)

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I was visiting the Dutch island of Ameland when I first heard of the horses that used to pull the lifeboat out into the waves. Right then and there the idea for a story popped into my head. It all went through many, many changes in the writing, but the initial idea - of a lonely boy and a lost horse - remained.

Here's a little film I found on YouTube, showing the horses in action. It's in Dutch, but if you skip to the 3.00 minute mark, everything is pretty easy to follow.

A 5-minute film showing the Ameland lifeboat horses at work - in a demonstration staged several times a year for visitors to the island. (my photos from one such event are at the bottom of the page.)

This is how I've always pictured Storm, although perhaps without such a long mane.

The trailer for the Dutch translation.

And here's a short YouTube clip of me reading an extract from the book.

Several times a Year, the Abraham Fock lifeboat museum - on the island of Ameland - puts on a demonstration of the old way of getting the lifeboat into the sea. I took all the pictures below at one such demo.

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UK & Australia edition

UK - troubador book club edition

Dutch edition

Latin America edition

US edition


Swedish edition

(The quality of some of them isn't so hot: with so many people watching, I couldn't get close enough for a good shot. It's a very popular attraction: spectators turn out in their hundreds.)